Cigna Salud Reembolso Gold
The reimbursement product with access to the most extensive cover.
- Free choice of doctor or hospital.
- Access to the Cigna Salud Premium Provider Network.
- Sum assured of €150,000 per year in reimbursement expenses.
- Access to Cigna's hospital network in the USA*.
- Access to free medical services**
If you need more information, call us on
91 418 40 60 / 93 318 04 06
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GET THE BEST PRICE for your Health Insurance

Cigna Salud Reembolso Gold enables you to choose any doctor or hospital in the world, both for outpatient consultations and for surgery and hospitalization. It offers a maximum sum insured for reimbursement of €150,000. In addition, you can choose the reimbursement percentage, of 80% or 90%, and access our hospital network in the USA.
- Hospital and outpatient emergencies.
- Primary Care on an outpatient basis and at home.
- Access to all medical and surgical specializations, with unlimited consultations.
- Hospitalization and Surgery: 365 days of hospitalization (except psychiatry, 60 days)
- ICU, unlimited days of hospitalization.
- Preventive medicine: Prevention programme for colorectal cancer and coronary artery disease risk, annual gynaecological screening, dental programme for pregnant women and regular infant development consultations, among others.
- Family planning
- Regular infant development as well as health checks for the newborn, including otoacoustic emissions testing, audiometry, visual acuity testing, testing for metabolic disorders.
- Supplementary Diagnostic Tools: PET/CT, magnetic resonance imaging, clinical tests, etc.
- Innovative Therapeutic Methods such as physiotherapy and rehabilitation, speech therapy and phoniatry, aerosol therapy, ventilation therapy, oxygen therapy, etc.
- Maternity and Newborn care: Follow-up of pregnancy, preparation for childbirth, newborn's medical expenses for the first 7 days of life provided that the baby remains hospitalized in the same facility and the birth was covered by Cigna.
- Basic Dental cover at no additional cost, that includes: initial visits, simple tooth extractions, periapical X-rays, an orthopantomogram and an annual oral hygiene exam from a top quality team of highly qualified dentists located throughout Spain, Portugal and Andorra.
- Cigna Services +Salud at special prices: laser refractive surgery, health and/or sports checks, infertility treatments, quitting smoking, cosmetic treatments, etc.
* For Serious Illnesses. Limit of €120,205 per member per year. 80% or 90% of the medical expenses covered will be borne by Cigna and the rest, corresponding to 20% or 10%, by the member. Covers diagnosed serious illnesses. Access must be managed and authorized by Cigna in Spain.
** Second medical opinion, 24-hour Telemedicine service, emergencies when travelling in another country and dental programme for pregnant women, among others.