Telf.: +34 91 556 36 66 /
Cigna Salud Plena
Your health plan advantages
The complete health insurance with the maximum cover, now within your reach and that of your family. In addition, you will form part of Cigna, the highest valued insurance company with the
highest satisfaction index among physicians1.
- Access Cigna’s prestigious contracted Medical Team Network formed by more than 51,000 specialists and 1,900 hospitals and private clinics.
- Free choice of physician or specialist within the
contracted Medical Team Network.
- Cover of 100% of the medical expenses covered
within the contracted Medical Team Network.
- Access to medical cover that is easy to use, just by
presenting the card you will have access to any cover
without the need to ask for authorizations2.
- In addition, we will reimburse you for part of the expenses:
- Pediatrics and Gynecology if you require
a physician outside the Medical Team Network.
- Extra-hospital medicines of generic products.
- Psychological care included in the cover.
- Multiple free services (second medical opinion, 24-hr Telemedicine, emergencies in trips abroad,
- And discounts for your family members.
Cigna Salud Plena gives you coverage of 100% of the medical costs covered by our Medical Team
Network. You will have the broadest covers:
- Hospital and out-patient emergencies.
- Primary care in doctor’s office and at home:
- Unlimited doctor’s visits within the Medical Team Network.
- General medicine, registered nurses and nurse practitioners.
- Pediatrics and Puericulture in Medical Team Network and Reimbursement3.
- Medical specialities:
- Unlimited doctor’s visits within the Medical Team Network.
- All the medical specialities.
- Gynecology and Obstetrics in Medical Team Network and Reimbursement3.
- Urology: include prostate cancer prevention programs.
- Complementary diagnostic means: PET-CAT, magnetic resonance, clinical analyses, etc.
- Hospitalization and surgery: 365 days of hospitalization (except psychiatry with 30 days and ICU/HCU with 90 days).
- Maternity and newborns:
- Monitoring of the pregnancy, including a 3D
ultrasound during the pregnancy.
- Preparation for childbirth.
- Individual room with companion’s bed.
- Total cover of the expenses during the first 7 days of
life of the newborn while still in the hospital.
- Health examinations of the newborn: otoacoustic emissions, audiometry, etc.).
- Preventive medicine: Program of colorectal cancer
prevention and coronary risk; annual gynecological
examination; dental program for pregnant women; periodic
consultations on infant development, etc.
- Innovative therapeutic methods: therapeutic targets
in oncological processes, vascular and proctological laser,
radiofrequency in ENT, physical therapy and rehabilitation,
aerosol therapy, ventilation therapy, oxygen therapy,
phoniatrics and speech therapy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, etc.
- Family Planning: implanting of the I.U.D. (the device is not covered), tubal ligation and vasectomy within
the Medical Network.
- Two complementary Psychology services:
- Psychological orientation by telephone, aimed at those problems that do not require going
to a presential consultation.
- Clinical psychological consultations: with these that you will be covered for up to 10 presential psychological sessions per insured and year, prescribed by a psychiatrist, neurologist
or pediatrician.
- Cover of prostheses4.
- Podology.
- Basic Dental Cover that will cover, without additional cost, first visits, simple dental extractions, periapical
X-rays, orthopantomagrphy and one annual teeth cleaning in a network of excellent quality, of highly
qualified dentists distributed throughout Spain, Portugal and Andorra.
- Extra-hospital Pharmacy: we offer a unique
cover in the market, reimbursing you part of
your extra-hospital pharmaceutical expenses
in generic products5.
- Transplants of bone marrow, kidney, liver,
heart, lung and cornea6.
- Ambulance, without limit.
- Cover of AIDS: expenses arising from the
treatment of the disease up to €6,100.
- Repatriation coverage to the country of origin.
- Medical assistance for emergencies abroad (limit€ 20,000 per claim)
Cigna Salud Dental (optional)
At Cigna we are aware of the importance of having excellent oral and dental health, and for this reason we
offer our dental health insurance to supplement perfectly your health insurance.
We put this coverage at your disposal allowing you to have access to a network of highly qualified dentists spread throughout Spain. With Cigna Dental you have access to more than 84 free services such as:
- Oral hygiene education.
- Annual mouth cleaning.
- Initial examination and diagnosis.
- Periapical x-rays.
- Consultations and check-ups.
- Orthopantomogram.
- Topical administration of fluoride.
- Simple and complex extractions
And you can also benefit on very attractive terms from the other treatments included in our franchise
deductible coverage with prices very much below the market average.
Also with the following benefits:
- Best quality dentists through the Cigna Dental network.
- Coverage from the first day without waiting periods.
- No pre-existing conditions.
Special price for IE students:
Cigna Salud Dental Fraquiciado* (optional):
* Premium per month and per insured person up to the age of 45 years. Legally applicable taxes (0,15%) have ben applied to this premiun. Premium valid until 31 July 2025.
The Medical Network: Hospitals near you
Calle de María de Molina, 31, 28006 Madrid
- Hospital San Rafael
- Hospital San Francisco de Asís
- USP Hospital San José
- Sanatorio Nuestra Señora del Rosario
- Clínica Ruber
Paseo de la Castellana, 259, 28046 Madrid
- Centro Médico Olympia
- Hospital HM Nuevo Belén
- Hospital HM Nuevo Belén
- Hospital HM Nuevo Belén
- Hospital La Luz Grupo Quirónsalud
- Vithas Madrid Arturo Soria
1. Source: Data extracted from the Survey of the Madrid Medical Association.
2. Cigna does not require prior authorization by its insured members, except
in the case of surgery, hospitalization and certain diagnostic tests. It is
possible that some centres may require authorizations for certain tests and/or
treatments, although Cigna does not require them.
3. Cigna covers 80% of the gynaecological and paediatric consultations outside Cigna’s contracted medical team network with a reimbursement limit of 50 Euros per consultation, and a maximum number of 5 consultations per speciality, per insured and per policy year in course.
4. Prosthesis limit per claim event: Cardiac prosthesis (Valves) €4,000;
Coronary stent €1,800; Pacemaker (no type of defibrillator) €6,000;
Joint prosthesis €4,500, Vascular prosthesis €2,000; Osteosynthesis
material €3,000; monofocal intraocular lens in case of cataract surgery
€150 per eye; Breast prosthesis after mastectomy for oncological
processes and only in the affected breast €1,000, Abdominal mesh
€500; Reservoirs in oncology €600.
5. Fifty percent of the extra-hospital generic products will be reimbursed
with medical prescription and with a reimbursement limit of €100 per
year of insurance.
6. The expenses arising from organ transplants to the Insured that
exceed €60,000 will not be covered.
Useful telephone numbers
- 91 179 14 87 /93 259 34 14 - Emergencies
- 91 418 40 40/ 93 301 06 56/ 900 101 348 -Cigna Customer Service
- +34 91 572 44 06 - Travelling abroad assistance
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