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Cigna. Seguros de salud diferentes.

Telf.: +34 91 556 36 66 /


We manage health for you

Welcome to your health guide in Spain

Cigna forms part of one of the most important insurance companies of North America with worldwide presence, covering 190 million insured customers, in groups as well as individually, in 30 countries.

Now, with our partner Howden-Artai in collaboration with IE, we offer you a wide coverage health plan for you and your family. You know you need it during your stay in Spain. But what can we offer you?

We have created a high-quality insurance plan, Cigna Salud Plena, with the maximum covers, within one of the most extensive and prestigious medical service networks of Spain, contracting more than 51,000 specialists and 1,900 hospitals and private clinics.

We will be pleased to help you with the enrollment process, solving any doubt you may have, so your stay in Spain becomes easy and pleasant.

“Our mission is to help the people we serve improve their health, well-being and sense of security”

Your plan: Cigna Salud Plena

Hospitals near you

With Cigna Salud Plena you will have access to a wide Medical Network around Spain. But you can find many prestigious hospitals near IE such as:

Calle de María de Molina, 31, 28006 Madrid

  • Hospital San Rafael
  • Hospital San Francisco de Asís
  • USP Hospital San José
  • Sanatorio Nuestra Señora del Rosario
  • Clínica Ruber

Paseo de la Castellana, 259, 28046 Madrid

  • Centro Médico Olympia
  • Hospital HM Nuevo Belén
  • Hospital HM Nuevo Belén
  • Hospital HM Nuevo Belén
  • Hospital La Luz Grupo Quirónsalud
  • Vithas Madrid Arturo Soria

You can also...

· Search for a hospital or doctor in our online Medical Network here.

Useful telephone numbers

  • 91 179 14 87 /93 259 34 14 - Emergencies
  • 91 418 40 40/ 93 301 06 56/ 900 101 348 -Cigna Customer Service
  • +34 91 572 44 06 - Travelling abroad assistance

HOWDEN HOWDEN ARTAI, S.A.U. correduría de seguros y reaseguros, es parte del grupo internacional Howden Broking Group. HOWDEN ARTAI S.A.U., con domicilio social en Vigo, Travesía de Bouzas Servicios Portuarios s/n, Oficina 2, Piso 1, Puerta A, 36208, inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Pontevedra, Libro 1381, Hoja PO-10992, Folio 001, provista de N:I:F. A-36.768.257 e inscrita en el Registro administrativo de distribuidores de seguros y reaseguros de la Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones con la clave de mediador de seguros nº J-1102 y de mediador de reaseguros nº RJ0078.
Le informamos que Howden Artai, S.A.U., tiene suscrita una póliza de Responsabilidad Civil conforme a lo dispuesto en el artículo 157 del Real Decreto-ley 3/2020.