Cigna is a registered service mark and refers to Cigna Corporation and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates. Cigna Global Health Benefits is a trading name that refers to these subsidiaries and affiliates. European products and services are provided by, or through, such operating subsidiaries including (without limitation): Cigna Life Insurance Company of Europe S.A.-N.V and Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V (and their branches -between others- in Spain, the United Kingdom and Switzerland), both companies registered in Belgium at Avenue de Cortenbergh 52, 1000 Brussels and subject to the prudential supervision of the National Bank of Belgium and to the Financial Services and Markets Authority in the field of consumer protection.
Certain products and services which are non-risk related may be provided by non-insurance entities.
If you are a current European Client /Customer please refer to your policy or member literature for details of the Cigna entity providing cover and/or services to you.